
Andrea F avatar image
Andrea F asked Andrea F commented

Floor Storage stacking

Hi everyone,

I am trying to stack my pallets one on top of the other in the floor storage. The problem is that i have already used a custom bay logic putting the pallet in the bays that have enough space for the items. I tried to use the trigger on entry in order to update the z-axis location dynamically with a custom code. But if i use the change location trigger it just stack the pallet in the first bay. Do you know how to combine the custom bay logic with the dynamic z-floor storage stacking ?

Here below i attach my model

Sarner Holz Final Version_autosave.fsm

FlexSim 19.1.2
flexsim 19.1.2floor storagelogisticspalletsstacking item
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Andrea F commented

Hi @Andrea F, I updated your code so that it will stack the pallets on top of each other when they enter the rack. Take a look at the On Entry trigger of the racks to see what I changed. The code works like this. I store the position of the item when it first enters (to use as x and y position later). Then if the content in the bay is greater than 1, a for loop checks for the last pallet that entered (which will be the one on top). I then store that pallet info as well as the last item on that pallet (the one on top) as lastpallet and lastitem. I find their locations to use for the final Z location of the new pallet. I also find the height of the last item so I can stack the pallet on top of it. The new z location will be the sum of the z positions of the pallet, item, and item height.

I also added a little code to your Bay positioning code to limit the number of pallets to 5 per bay (which you can change). That just checks if the bay is full and then finds the next bay that has space to put the item in.

I tried to comment all the code I added, so go through and see if you understand how it's working. Let me know if you have any questions.


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