
Andrea F avatar image
Andrea F asked Andrea F commented

Rack selection

Hi everyone,

i am having difficulties in assigning the pallets to the racks according to their length. Racks have different bays with different width, for that reason they can stock pallet with items shorter than the bay width. I tried to develop a custom code on the Place in Bay Logic but it does not work as expected. Do you know how to solve this in flexisim and assign the pallet to the correct bay according to the space needed ?

Thank you in advance for the answer


FlexSim 19.1.2
flexsim 19.1.2storage systemlogisticspalletsrack selection
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1 Answer

Fiorenzo A avatar image
Fiorenzo A answered Andrea F commented

Hi Andrea,

I see your model and i find different issues:

  1. You wrote a logic in rack that read a label on the item. the item in the rack is the pallet that enter. I notice that you wrote the labels on the flowitem inside the pallet. So the first change you must do is read the label not form the pallet but from the flowitem inside its; (you must first fill the pallet and then move it in the rack);

  2. Attention in the signs that you use in the condictions. I find 3 or 4 sign errors that change all the logic of the system;

  3. Always in the condictions, the numbers in your code are in different measures than the values that you insert in the labels on the flowitems;

  4. When you wrote the code, at the end you must check also if your bay is available;

  5. The rack is as a queue so you must divide the flow in the two racks at the upstream with some logic (i use round robin).

I attach you the model that i modified. I suggest you to use a newer version of FlexSim where the werehouses are been developed and are easier to menage!!



rack.fsm (36.7 KiB)
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