
Andrea F avatar image
Andrea F asked Iago MF edited

Packing items on pallet

Hi everyone,

I am currently stuck in this modelling problem trying to pack items on pallet. First i have two sources: one for the pallets and the other one for panels producing different randomized products according to their lenght. I would like to pack my item with same lenght on the same pallet and the one with different lenght in separated pallets. Also i have boundaries on quantity that can be packed on a pallet:

- Where Lenght < 151 i can pack a maximum of 168 items on the pallet

- Where Lenght >= 151 i can pack a maximum of 84 items on the pallet I

I personally created a process flow model but it happen that the token get stucked in the process at some point. How can i overcome that ? Do you have any other solutions to model this problem ?

Thank you

Sarner Holz Final4.fsm

FlexSim 19.1.2
flexsim 19.1.2logisticssortingpalletspacking
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1 Answer

Iago MF avatar image
Iago MF answered Iago MF edited

The token can't continue because activity Pull A from List is failing, as there isn't any item whose length is less than 151. If you want to prorize A, try to use max wait timer = 0 and destination = 2 option to continue if the pull fails.

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