
Jorge_elias Gz avatar image
Jorge_elias Gz asked Jeanette F commented

Stack items in Conveyor

Hello everyone,

I am trying to stack items in the conveyors with the following logic, when the conveyor complete its 'last' spot instead of stop, the operator can put a second layer of items, and when this second level is full, start with a third layer and so on until reaching 6 levels, only in this case the operator should stop (Not create a 7th level). I tried to use the trigger on creation, set location and manipulate the z axis but with no results. Please your help.


Notice how the conveyor has only one level and i want to have something similar as in the queue (Stacking objetcs)


FlexSim 22.2.2
conveyorsystempalletsstacking item
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

@Andrew O, Kavika draws a sketch, what the problem is. Once a conveyor is full there is not a method to store more. You can force FlexSim to combine items together by moving one or more items into another. The item in the conveyor is acting as container. But such combined structure aren't dissembled automatically, when an item is leaving a conveyor, nor a statistic will recognize combined items as batched single items. This structure is a new part.

You can get rid of any location coding, if you use as first item by default a container flowitem like pallet or tote. Those flowitems inherit a mechanism to stack items (combine items), when they are moved into them. If you don't like their default shape you can customize their shape. They can look like any other item in your model. Naturally you can create any of your flowitems of this kind as container flowitems. Then you can always move them into another and built a combined structure.

Your layered structure can achieve, if you unload items into container items. You are responsible on your own to keep the order.


Use Transport edited code: Picklist option: Custom Task Sequence > Tasksequence Example 1


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