
Lucas Z avatar image
Lucas Z asked Lucas Z commented

Adding group members: effect on resource counts and statistics collectors

When during a simulation I add a member to a group, this doesn't affect resource counts or statisticscollectors (and dashboard graphs). Only after resetting the simulation twice, is the everything up to date. I am looking for a better way to test different scenario's. Can anyone suggest a trick?

In the example I am testing the effect of adding an extra processor. This is set by changing a model parameter option. Depending on this option, an extra processor is added (or removed) from the processor group. When trying to acquire this resource in the simulation however, the resource count (linked to number of group members) is not updated, and the processor is never used. Also the dashboard graphs do not include the second processor.

After resetting the simulation this is still not correct. Only after resetting a second time, the processor shows up.

In the example model, you can try running the model after changing the parameter setting. Either adding the processor or removing is requires resetting twice.

I would be very grateful for getting tips on how to do this correctly!


FlexSim 23.2.0
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1 Answer

Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
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Patrick Zweekhorst answered Lucas Z commented

Hi @Lucas Z ,

If you add or remove the processor in/out of the group in the OnReset trigger of the model it should all work fine. I have done this in the attached model, by just copy pasting your code from ProcessFlow. Please take a look if this works for you.groupmembertests_1.fsm

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