
Peter Grant avatar image
Peter Grant asked CSN commented

The "item" has its ID set correctly through "on slot assign" but it changes.

I've developed a pick-and-place process for a robotic system using "process flow," in FlexSim version 22.2.0. While picking items from a "queue" and placing them onto the robot's shelf works without issues, the problem arises when trying to pick items from the robot's shelf and place them onto a "rack." In this case, I've assigned "levelID" and "bayID" to each "item" using the "on slot assign" trigger. These IDs serve as the robot's sole reference for positioning. Strangely, the IDs are correct before unloading, but they change the moment the item is unloaded onto the "rack." What could be causing this issue, and how can it be improved?

FlexSim 22.2.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The item is first assigned a slot when it enters the queue and is pulled by Rack2. When the item is loaded into the rack of the robot, this slot gets overridden by that racks Slot Assignment Strategy. So when the item enters Rack2, it has to find a new, random slot for the item.

You could either restore the slot assignment in Rack2 to the item once it enters the robot rack. Or you check whether the "bay" and "level" labels are present on the item and make Rack2's Slot Assigment Strategy use those instead of finding a new random one.


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