
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Ankur A3 commented

Performance Profiler Interpretation Required?

Hi Team,

I have created a model which is having large volume of SKUs. I have used the 3D and process flow approach both. Now, I am running a model using optimizer for 30 days and it is taking around 20 hours to complete.

When I am checking performance profiler, it is showing the time of different nodes in miliseconds which is very less. How to interpret this data against 20 hours of run time?

Is there any way to get split of 20 hours of run time to analyze it better?

Thank you!

FlexSim 23.1.0
performance profileranalysisdeepdive
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Ankur A3 commented

Profiling is something that we add manually to code paths that seem likely to have a strong performance impact. It is possible we have missed an important code path.

Profiling is only meant to work while the model is running in the interactive session. It won't profile data during an optimization or experiment.

If you reset your model, start profiling, and then fast-forward your model to the stop time (the same stop time your optimization uses), then stop profiling, how does that compare? How long does it take, and how much time is reported in the performance profiler? If those two times are very different, we can investigate which code paths we missed.

Talking about the performance of the optimizer is a lot more difficult. You say you ran the optimizer for 20 hours. How many CPUs were you using? How much of your RAM was being utilized? How many total replications of the model did it run?

Of course, if you can provide your model, we can support you more fully.

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