
kyle.ku avatar image
kyle.ku asked Jeanette F commented

Statistical bimodal distribution

Use flexsim to simulate the production status at that time based on the Log data of our equipment.

Attached are relevant information . How to perform the operation of flexsim?

Excel file is a data format that facilitates statistical calculations after data cleaning.

In addition, I would like to ask how to define the execution time of Process time as bimodal distribution.

Printer.xlsx SPI_B.xlsx SPI_T.xlsx

FlexSim 20.1.3
statistical distribution
printer.xlsx (32.6 KiB)
spi-b.xlsx (33.7 KiB)
spi-t.xlsx (32.5 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

This looks like an application for the Emprical Distribution

5 |100000

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