
Rambabu avatar image
Rambabu asked Jason Lightfoot edited

How to get Independent output?

Hi all,

I Have a one query regarding assign label. I am doing work on that i have faced issue with independent token. When i used child token it was not performed well because of Output is getting incremented for the a all IDE'S.But I need Incremental output with different values for different IDE's.

when i use independent token it was also not giving proper answer. Can you please solve this problem. I need Output in incremental manner with different IDE's.

Thank you.

RecipeLabel Query.fsmrecipelabel.png

FlexSim 23.1.3
assign labelscreate tokens
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

If your goal is to get 4 tokens, each with a different recipe then you don't need the loop just set your source up like this:


In your case:

You need to be incrementing token.row, but soon you'll exceed the lenght of your table, so...

I wouldn't read a table numeric with gettablestr() - use Table("RecipeLabel")[row][1]

Instead of storing a row number for the recipe, why not store the name? This is easier to read and check.

You need to copy labels to the independant token, which is an option on Create Token.

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