Hello! My hope is to create tokens based on the value of a cell within a global table. I've created an example model to explain this in more detail and have attached it below. I have a global table named 'Inventory' hosting two columns titled 'ID' and 'ZONE'. I want to create 10 tokens that have the 'ZONE' label 'Left'. In other words, I am hoping to create a set number of tokens from the 'Left' zone by looking through the inventory table and selecting the rows with the corresponding label. I then proceed to create the objects with these labels, so ideally the queue would be filled with boxes that carry the following IDs: 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15. I am currently creating the first 10 objects in the inventory table and assigning ID and Zone labels, as shown in the image below, so the queue contains boxes from Zones 'Left', 'Right' and 'Center', which is not ideal. Do you have any suggestions for how to add this condition? Thank you in advance for your help!