
Lieselanne avatar image
Lieselanne asked Lieselanne edited

Send a message with conditions


The "Nacharbeit" storage should send a message to the Queue "Puffer" when there are 3 items in the storage.

The items should therefore only move from the queue (Puffer) when a workstation is free for rework. The queue should close the port and only send items again when a workstation is free.

How do I have to adjust that?

The model is only an excerpt / simple example:

Thanks! :)


FlexSim 20.0.10
flexsim 20.0.10send message
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Ralf Gruber avatar image Ralf Gruber ♦ commented ·


I have tried to follow the logic in you rmodel, but was not able to figure out, why there are two outports from Queue Puffer to Processor _1. What is the purpose of that setup?

Also I do not really understand the logic you are describing:

"when there are 3 items in the storage " - Items stay in the Storage Nacharbeit for only ten time units before leaving for the sink. Do you want to fire the message from the storage, when their are actually three items in storage, or when the third item enters...and the first two may have exited already?

"The items should therefore only move from the queue (Puffer) when a workstation is free for rework. " - In your model the processors are in sequence behind the Queue Puffer. So the first Processor _1 has to be empty for an item to be able to exit the Puffer. On the other hand, if the first Processor _1 is occupied, but _2 and _3 are available, no item can go directly from the Puffer to _2 or _3. From what you are describing it sounds more like the three Processors need to be connected in parallel to the Queue Puffer, so a rework item can be sent to each of them independently?

Please describe your logic as a whole, so we are able to help.


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Lieselanne avatar image Lieselanne Ralf Gruber ♦ commented ·

my "real" model is actually more complex and I tried to simulate a small part.

I have a Queue where several items collect. These items go to different processes. Therefore 2 ports to the processor _1. My idea was to send all items that are being reworked via port 1 and the other items via port 2. So that port 1 is blocked when the "Nacharbeit" is full.

The pocessors _1, _2, _3 are independent of the queue and the "Nacharbeit". The 3 processors represent a washing system (I have to represent this 3 processors). And the items have to go through the car wash. After the car wash, the items are distributed to "Nacharbeit" and processor 1.

I hope it's a little understandable...

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Lieselanne avatar image Lieselanne Lieselanne commented ·

And the Nacharbeit should send a message to the queue when the workstations are full. In my correct model, I have 16 workstations and these are often full. However, the queue still sends items and these are backed up in the car wash.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

falling or rising stock ? Is it an event On Exit of the storage object or On Entry?

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1 Answer

Ralf Gruber avatar image
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Ralf Gruber answered Lieselanne commented

Still don´t get what you are asking for....the picklist options you chose on exit and on message of the queue puffer are not designed to open or close single ports, but the whole output together at once. It overrides single port settings. I will send you in invite for a web meeting so you can explain to me what you are aiming for.

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Lieselanne avatar image Lieselanne commented ·

Yes, thank you!

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