
Josué Islas avatar image
Josué Islas asked Borja Lorenzo commented

Create tokens based on a global table per truck supplier

process-flow.pngImage CaptionCross-Docking-Case1-Processflow v2.3.fsmglobal-table.pngOnce the supplier truck reaches the unloading conveyor, how can I generate tokens from the global table "Mercancia" based on the Quantity (Cantidad) column and assign the Supplier (Proveedor) and Customer (Cliente) labels to the items tokens?

FlexSim 23.2.1
process flowglobal tablecreate tokens
5 |100000

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Mauricio Aranda avatar image
Mauricio Aranda answered Josué Islas commented

Hello, Josué.

I understand that you want to create tokens depending on data. In this case you can achieve this by creating a global table like "Mercancía", and add the information, for example:
5 tokens from supplier 5 that go to client 7, and 3 tokens from supplier 5 for client 8.


Then with a "create tokens" you create as many tokens as rows you may have. With a label "Order" that uses the command "creationRank". This assigns a number in the order they were created. For example:


Finally to create 5 tokens from supplier 5 that go to client 7, we can use a RunSubFlow that creates the quantity "tokens" on the global table: For example: Table("ExampleMERCANCIA")[token.Order][1]


Finally, you can assign the labels you require, for example:


¡Hope this helps!

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5 |100000

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Julio R avatar image
Julio R answered Borja Lorenzo commented

Hello Josué,

You could use the same token you used to travel the truck to create more tokens based on the table using the create token activity and a start as the destination for the new tokens.

In that same option you could use the Assign labels to created tokens options to copy any information you want in your new tokens.


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5 |100000

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