
Pooja I avatar image
Pooja I asked Pooja I commented

Trailer pick up box as per type

Hello team,

In the process flow 5 totes are created.

1,2,3 and 4 totes should have capacity of 12 boxes.

tote 5 capacity of 6 boxes

I want to assign last tote only for type 5 and 6 boxes.

Therefore operator should pick and place type 5 and 6 boxes only in last tote and no other type boxes should be placed in last tote.

Please find the attached model.

Thanks in advance.

AGV- Process Flow-5 totes_Type_V1.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.1
item typetote
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Pooja I commented

Since each rack receives a fixed type of items, can't you just modify their zoneIDs (which are currently used to assign the totes) accordingly?

If the racks are to receive mixed types of items in the future, based on what logic would the other types be assign to totes?

Also, you should run the subflow tokens one at a time, otherwise the AGV doesn't actually stop when it is loaded.


1698416976086.png (10.4 KiB)
· 7
5 |100000

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