
Chandler avatar image
Chandler asked Chandler commented

"Please report this issue to FlexSim technical support "

I have a new sort of error message appearing that instructs me to report the error to support at the URL

Is there a correct way to report issues such as these at that URL? Searching for the text in Flexsim Answers returns no relevant results.

FlexSim 23.1.2
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Chandler avatar image Chandler commented ·

The full text of my system console saving and attempting to run the simulation:

LINK PARITY ERROR(checkCleanFlexScript)
exception: Exception caught in SimpleDataType::bindSDTNode() on /Tools/ProcessFlow/PtFlow_Dev/RNs (first acquire by Zone)* (2)>stats/globalInstance/list. A module's class bind() methods may not be implemented correctly.
exception: Save Error EncounteredFlexSim encountered an error while saving, but the save operation
was completed. Your model may be corrupted.

Please report this issue to FlexSim technical support.
exception: Failed Nodes:
/Tools/ProcessFlow/PtFlow_Dev/ED Techs1* (2)>stats/globalInstance/list>variables/listType
/Tools/ProcessFlow/PtFlow_Dev/ED Techs1* (2)>stats/globalInstance/list>variables/backOrderQueueStrategy
/Tools/ProcessFlow/PtFlow_Dev/ED Techs1* (2)>stats/globalInstance/list>variables/valueAlias
/Tools/ProcessFlow/PtFlow_Dev/ED Techs1* (2)>stats/globalInstance/list>variables/valueType
/Tools/ProcessFlow/PtFlow_Dev/ED Techs1* (2)>stats/globalInstance/list>variables/pullerAlias
/Tools/ProcessFlow/PtFlow_Dev/ED Techs1* (2)>stats/globalInstance/list>variables/pullerType
/Tools/ProcessFlow/PtFlow_Dev/ED Techs1* (2)>stats/globalInstance/list
/Tools/ProcessFlow/PtFlow_Dev/ED Techs1* (2)
<no path>
/Tools/ProcessFlow/PtFlow_Dev/RNs (first acquire by Zone)* (2)>stats/globalInstance/list
/Tools/ProcessFlow/PtFlow_Dev/RNs (first acquire by Zone)* (2)

LINK PARITY ERROR(buildallflexscript)

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

Hi @Chandler, was Jordan Johnson's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Chandler commented

If you scroll down, that page has a link to and a phone number to contact technical support.

With the particular error message, there's usually not much we can do. You need to go back to a previous version of the model; the one that produced that message is corrupt. However, if you can remember what you did that caused the model to be corrupted, we might be able to fix it. It's best if you can post a valid model, and then describe the steps you took, after which the model was corrupted.

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Chandler avatar image Chandler commented ·

For anyone trying to access this info, phone/email support is accessed through your local distributor.

The page that contains this information is:
Not: aka

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