
Dewriffic16 avatar image
Dewriffic16 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

mixed behavior from combiner?

Any idea why sometimes my items get stacked inside a tote at the combiner and sometimes they come out besides one another as shown in the photo below? My expected behavior would be the items in the tote on the right. But more often the items are coming out of the combiner like the tote on the left.
I've never seen this unless the items are too big to physically fit besides each other, but for some reason, sometimes they come out one way vs another even though the tote and items don't change size after their creation. My combiner is set to combine mode "pack" and doesn't have any triggers or other odd logic. The items being combined do come through a process flow that creates them and changes the size and color depending on the product type, but in this example, they are both the same product type and are being packed differently. Any way to force them to pack like the tote on the right?


FlexSim 22.2.0
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