
Francisca C2 avatar image
Francisca C2 asked Ryan Clark commented

Floating box on combiner

Hello everyone!

I'm using a combiner to pack items coming from the mass flow conveyor. However, instead of both items becoming one simple brown box, they appear as two boxes and one of them in floating. Even when the operator picks it up it's still floating. In the images bellow it's visible.


I know that if I change the containers to pallets or totes the packing works but in my case it would be more realistic to use brown boxes.

Also, is there a way to define the exact number of items the entry object turns into in the mass flow conveyor?

Thanks in advance.

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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered Joerg Vogel commented

Hi @Francisca C2,

For the combiner problem, I would try using one of the different modes of the combiner. I think you probably want to use the "Join" mode. See Combiner ( for more details.

For the mass flow conveyor, you can define the number of items each entry item turns into. You do so by accessing the properties on the Mass Flow Conveyor Entry Transfer. See Mass Flow Entry Transfer ( for more details.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have further questions!

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