
Lilian Fonseca avatar image
Lilian Fonseca asked Arun Kr edited

Combiner Properties

I am trying to set up one of my combiners so that they pack six boxes in one pallet. However, when I choose the option "pack", I can't determine the components list. How do I do that?

FlexSim 16.0.1
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1 Answer

jing.c avatar image
jing.c answered Arun Kr commented

Hi, Lilian.

You need to connect two or above upstream to the combiner which is Combiner Object Mechanism.

This description is from Combiner Page of User Manual: "Each row in the table represents arrivals from input ports numbered two and above. If you make additional connections while this window is open, you will need to close the Properties window and reopen it in order for your changes to register."

Want more usages for combiner, you can search "combiner" in Index of User Manual.

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