
laitriminh avatar image
laitriminh asked Joerg Vogel answered

How can the transporter transport one queue until it reaches the batch size?

test1.fsmI have a production line, and I don't know how to make the Transporter carry the correct capacity that I have set for it. I have transporter 4 and want it to bring exactly 150 capacity to Queue21 and only bring goods to Queue22 when Queue21 has reached the Target Batch Size (6000 boxes). And the current problem I am facing is that my Transporter only carries 1 box and this Transporter carries goods in order. But I want it to only carry to the first queue until the Target Batch Size is reached then carry to the next Queue (22,23,24,25). I will attach the file below, looking forward to the help of the Flexsim community. Thank you all.

FlexSim 19.0.0
queuetransporterbatch size
test1.fsm (186.1 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You can try to work with priorities dynamically given. First destination gets a priority higher than any other destination. Second priority is by setup lower than first but higher than third. OR you check any tasksequence in Tasksequencequeue node if its destination is second involved queue by comparing involved1 property of tasks[4] in each tasksequence and then you assign a new priority value to them. You undertake this check when a taskexecuter transports the last item to queue 1 object.

5 |100000

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