
tzu-ting avatar image
tzu-ting asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to choose the elevator randomly

I am building a model for passengers to use elevators. The model consists of a total of six elevators, and I plan to allow passengers to board an elevator from the first floor and go up to their desired destination floor. How can I set it up so that passengers can randomly choose to board any one of the elevators, rather than having a fixed elevator for each trip?1698558583087.png

FlexSim 23.1.0
randompatient flowelevators
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1 Answer

Jonah K avatar image
Jonah K answered

Here are two options:

You could 'A' Connect them from the previous location and under Output > Send To Port, select Random Port.

If you are using ProcessFlow to move your passengers, you can add all the elevators to a group, then get a random elevator in that group with:

  1. Group("Group1")[duniform(1, Group("Group1").length)]

This code can be used in the Destination field of a travel task.

If you need more specific advice, please attach your model or a model demonstrating the situation.

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