
PertAnswer avatar image
PertAnswer asked Kavika F answered

Planning Person on time demand and schedule

I have questions, If I've 9 people and I've 3 processes (collecting,verification,dispensing) to have people, Then , By person need to work different time. such as person 1 09-00-11.00 am do to collecting process and break and then 1.00-2.00 pm do the process verification, then dont have in sytem.
How to do like this. and If any, Where to setting by person. and For the next I want to optimize people on each process should have in each time. for reduce time in system of each token (Prescription) or reduce backlog of each tokens (prescription),.

FlexSim 22.2.0
processs flowoperateroptimizedrug processmanpower
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

Hey @PertAnswer, I just responded to your original question here: Please do not make additional accounts to ask the same question. That will not make us answer the question any faster. I am closing this question because it's a duplicate.

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