
Diva avatar image
Diva asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Setting of source

Good afternoon to everyone,

I´m a member of a new group using flexsim, and I have a problem, the arrival time are a statistic distribution and came by batching and this one are fill with a certain amount, therefore, we use a combiner with two source (the first with boxes and the second with pallets) but at the time to came these objects came in different times, How can I do that the boxes came at the same time of the pallets?

Thanks for your attention.

FlexSim 23.2.2
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Here's the onCreation trigger to create a packed pallet at the time of the creation event.

  1. string fiName="Box";
  2. int numItems=4;
  3. Object flowitem=Model.find("Tools/FlowItemBin/"+fiName).first;
  4. Object packedItem;
  5. for (int n=numItems;n>0;n--) {
  6.     packedItem=flowitem.copy(model());
  7.     moveobject(packedItem,item);
  8. }
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

Creating two types of products at the same time statistical distributed consists of a logic to put next creation time into a label and read this label in two sources. I would try to say one source act as a server, which puts next creation time first into a label and then returns the value to itself. The second or client source reads this value as next creation time and returns it.
You get this working much faster in process flow by adding two Create Objects activities in a row. You create both products in your model and move them to queue objects.

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Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

Hey @Diva, the Combiner will take in pallets from the first input and boxes from the second input. Boxes will not enter the combiner until a pallet is on the combiner.

Do you have a model that demonstrates what you're trying to do? I'm confused about what you're asking. Please provide more details, thanks.

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