
Adnan avatar image
Adnan asked Adnan commented

AGV unload without checking if processor is busy


I have 2 AGVs, and each one has its own sequence, but both of them are using the same processor.


the AGV unloads into the processor even if the processor is busy, how can I let the AGV wait until the processor gets empty to unload?

i want to put the waiting if busy for both AGVs


please I need help to fix it. Thanks

AGV Final 1.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.2
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1 Answer

David Chan avatar image
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David Chan answered Adnan commented

@Adnan Please take a look at the sample model. The approach I used is to assign processor as Resource. You will acquire Processor and Release the Processor after the item enter into Sink.


AGV send to processor when ready.fsm

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Adnan avatar image Adnan commented ·
Hi David,

Thank you for the model and the info, I tried to implement the same way but when I assign the process as a resource, it is as if the resource is acting on its own without effects on whether the AGV unloads or waits..

Therefore, can you please explain a bit more details for me.. if you can check on my model file.. this issue is the last step I need to complete my project.

note that I have a student version limited with only 30 elements and 35 process flow elements)

Thanks a lot

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Adnan commented ·

A quick way to make sure the processor is empty before unloading is to use the "On Content Change" event in a Wait for Event activity.


The "Fire If Initial Value Meets Rule" option allows the token to continue when the processor is already empty when it arrives.

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Adnan avatar image Adnan Felix Möhlmann commented ·
Hi Felix.

It worked perfectly as I needed it and was also simple to do.

Thank you so much. :)
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