
swa12 avatar image
swa12 asked Jeanette F commented

How to use the list button to increase or decrease arrivals

Greetings, I am creating my GUI model, what I am looking for, I have just created a slider that I want to be copied with the process flow, which if I slide it, I can increase the average or maximum in relation to a uniform distribution for the creation of boxes. I want to be able to use that slider, can you help me please?




FlexSim 23.2.2
proces flow
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

You link the slider to a node in the tree whose value will then be updated whenever the slider is moved.



You then use that node's value in the logic you want to build.

In the attached model I use a label that is defined on the Process Flow itself and set the minimum amount in the distribution to its value.


You could use a second slider to control the maximum or you define some logic by which both minimum and maximum are set depending on a single value.

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