
XiomaraG avatar image
XiomaraG asked Jeanette F commented

Unloading times applied to a whole group of pallets and change visual settings

Hi, everyone!
I'm working on the simulation of a warehouse but I want the transporter to unload all the pallets collected from the truck to the queue based on a statistical distribution. I tried changing unload time from the properties but it is applied to each pallet instead to the whole group.
Another question that I have is, why change visual is not working here? I need that every pallet has its own color depending on the customer, which is the label called "Cliente".
I would be really grateful if you can help me
Thank you so much


FlexSim 22.2.4
process flowwarehousingchange visual
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

An easy way to unload items in bulk is to use a delay task and the Move Object activity.


Alternatively, you can determine the unload time once, that divide it by the total amount of items and use that per item.

The Change Visual activity only works on a single object. You have to run it for each item individually (Sub Flow). To color it depending on a label, you can use the "byNumber()" method (if the label is a number) of the color class.


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