
Josué Islas avatar image
Josué Islas asked Josué Islas commented

Errors in the picking process

Hi, I am having the following problems in my order picking logic: 1) when joining the operator and the picking cart, the latter is rotated incorrectly, 2) the tote is flying away and I cannot find how to lower it so that it remains in the queue of the picking cart and 3) once the order is created, the operator walks nowhere. How can I fix them?

Warehouse CCLS v1.8.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
process flowqueueorder pickingchange visualpicking cart
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1 Answer

Pablo Concha avatar image
Pablo Concha answered Josué Islas commented

Hi, tried to fix the problems you mentioned as follows:

1) in the activity "Move Cart to Picker" toggle Preserve Global Position

2) i cant position it correctly

3) that happened because the case was not created in the correct rack (no idea why) i added a move object activity.

also fixed the Move Case to Tote activity to reference the Tote and not the Storage

warehouse-ccls-v18 rev1.fsm

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