
Pooja I avatar image
Pooja I asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Boxes assign into the tote as per availability

Hello @Felix Möhlmann ,

As modified in the model tote is assigned with specific type.

Can we further update model with boxes placed in 1,2,3 and 4 totes whichever is available. (capacity 12 boxes each tote)

5th tote parameters will be same (no changes)

remove the assigned totes for first 4 toes'


Please find the attached model.

agv-process-flow-5-totes-type-op _Final.fsm

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 23.2.2
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Personally, I probably would have written a small code snippet that loops through the totes and finds the first one with available space.

But I think it's more interesting and useful to get familiar with the concept to use a list. Each tote is assigned a rank and pushed to a list. Depending on the item type, the token then either pulls a tote with space and rank 5 or any other rank from the list.




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