
lancewu avatar image
lancewu asked lancewu commented

How to automatically fetch and run the. dll file when the model is opened

At present, I know of a method that we can implement through the following code to automatically run the txt document that has already been written in flexscript when the flexsim model is opened.

Is there a method to automatically run the Dll file defined in C++using a script when I open a new model?

Functionality similar to the following code, but changed from a txt document to a Dll file

"C:\Program Files\FlexSim 2022\program\flexsim.exe"C:\Users\username\Documents\Flexsim 2022 Projects\test.fsm" /maintenance nogui_disablemsg_runscript /scriptpath C:\myscript.txt

FlexSim 22.1.4
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered lancewu commented

There are many ways to do this. One would be to call a usercommand which is linked as external code to a dll function using a newmodelinstall dropscript of a userlibrary you've set to always load.

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lancewu avatar image lancewu commented ·

thanks,jason.You always provide me with the right approach to solving problems!

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