
shelly avatar image
shelly asked Jacob W2 commented

Push to list and pull from list?

The third cargo is taken out of Rank by AGV and moved to Queue1, and then the cargo information is pushed to List. However, when the task reaches the third cargo, the operator will not be able to select that cargo manifest in the inventory.

The token has been set in Push to List & Pull from List, but the Operator still cannot select the product objects in the List.

How to modify it?


FlexSim 23.0.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

You have set a maximum wait time in the Pull From List activity, which allows the token to continue without having pullled an item.

If you don't want to run alternative logic when no item could be pulled, there is no reason to have the max. wait time. I assume you added it because the tokens already create a box a the start of the simulation and don't need to pull it from the list in that case. To handle this, you should either have the tokens enter the loop at a different activity.


Or you push any items that enter the queue to the list and pull an item for the initial task anyway. You can either do this in Process Flow by using an Event Triggered Source that reacts to the entry event of the queue. Or you do this in the 3D model in either the On Entry trigger or the Send to Port option of the queue.


In both cases the Push to List activity after the AGV unloads an item would be redundant.

There's also an issue in the Process Flow section that controls Operator1. The Create TS activity assigns the task sequence to the same label the operator was assigned to in the Acquire activity. As a result, the resource can not be released, since the reference is lost. Use a different label for the operator and task sequence.

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