
Prateekq4 avatar image
Prateekq4 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

scheduled stop and resume

I am trying to build a model. PE9 stops item when PE10 is blocked. But once PE9 stops item, it must resume the flow at fixed intervals. That is something like resume for 3 seconds, stop for 1 second, then again resume for 3 seconds, stop for 1 second. This must continue until a certain condition is satisfied. While i have not decided this final condition, i want a method to setup the stop-resume cycle. Attaching my model to make it easier to designtrial for stopper.fsm

FlexSim 22.1.4
stop and resume
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Something like this?


A token in Process Flow stops/resumes the flow at the first photo eye. The token is allowed to enter the loop or pulled out of it via messages.

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