
Will avatar image
Will asked Will commented

How to make pallet using batch in process flow?

I'm make a generic supply model. I'm trying to assemble a pallet of between 10 and 13 items that, after forming the batch, must be moved to the conveyor. But I can't form the batch correctly to transfer to Queue 3.

Inventory with Lists(23.2).fsm

FlexSim 23.2.1
proces flowbatching groupinginventory control
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Will commented

Your batch command is aggregating pickType token labels to a Pallet label - the result being a single numeric. When you try to unload to token.Pallet it doesn't have a pointer to a pallet it just has the numeric value 1 - which is why you get your error messages.

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