
Will avatar image
Will asked Will commented

Pull items to same array


I have a picking model, where the operator has an order, with the quantities in a Global Table. The operator must search for the items in the racks and unload them in a queue. But no model, the items placed in the row are not being assembled in the same array.

Armazem via Process Flow.fsm

FlexSim 18.2.3
proces flowarraypicklist
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
1 Like"
Felix Möhlmann answered Will commented

Each pull activity is set to assign the pulled values to the same label, overriding the previous label value in the process. Set them to "Insert at Front of" to add to the array label. Note that the last pulled value will be the first value in the array. So if the order is important, you should load the items in descending order or reverse the array before loading them.



The require number is set to use the quantity from the first row in each pull activity. I guess this should be the row determined by the "linha" label instead. You can also just enter requestnum to use the number from the request field again.


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