
hugror avatar image
hugror asked hugror commented

Combine a given number of item based on a label


I'm modelling a production line. I have some pallets, that have several labels. I need to combine some items with it, based on a number.

For instance, I have label "OF" = "01-09". The label "NbPiece"=1 That means I need one item 01 and one item 09 on this pallet. If the label "NbPiece"=2, then I need two 01 and two 09, and so on. How can I do that ?

By the way, labels should be updated according to the loading. For instance, If I have one 01, two 09 one the pallet, then the labels should look like "NbPieceReel"=1, "P01"=1, "P09"=2 .

On my model, if we need 01-09, it will be on the combiner Poste1. Poste2,3 are working the same, but for other OF, Poste4 is for unloading, and Poste0 is setting the OF.

Thanks for your help.



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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered hugror commented

Using string labels to represent multiple values is clunky at best. I would suggest to create an array that contains all type values that should be added to the pallet.

You can then use this relatively easily in the Pull Requirement of the combiner to batch the correct types of items in the correct quantity.

Attached is an example of how this would work in general. In your case you would also need to rewrite the Send to Port that decides whether or not a pallet is send to Poste1 and/or Poste2.

In the example I use global tables as empirical distributions to assign the types to the pallets.


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