
Alonso V3 avatar image
Alonso V3 asked Jeff Nordgren commented

different time in combiner depending on the label

I have 10 different types of cards and the combiner's time is different for each type.

I create 10 types and the tag has numbers, in the combination I use value by case and I use the item.type address but it does not read my label, how should the reference be?imagen1.png model-2.fsm

FlexSim 19.1.0
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1 Answer

Pedro Ortelani avatar image
Pedro Ortelani answered Jeff Nordgren commented


Your combiner uses the first item to define the process time, in your model's case that item is the Tote, and the tote does not have the "mylabel" label with a value assigned, that's what is causing the exception.

To reference the flowitem you should add the first atribute to the item call before getting the label value.

The fixed model is attached.

I hope that helps!

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