
laitriminh avatar image
laitriminh asked laitriminh commented

Equations (Constraints) in the Optimizer Design

Hello, Flexsim community.

I have a Flexsim model, version 2019, attached below. I'm facing an issue in setting up Equations (Constraints) in the Optimizer Design section. I'm unsure how to set up the algorithm to find the optimal position while constraining the coordinates of the variables so they don't overlap in the 3D model (I tried rearranging the coordinates without constraints, and the positions overlapped as shown in the image). I would greatly appreciate any help or guidance from the community. Thank you very much.

Best regard,


Cải tiến.fsmcapture.png

FlexSim 19.0.0
optimizer designequationcontraint
capture.png (373.1 KiB)
cai-tien.fsm (417.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered laitriminh commented

Combine multiple comparative statements with an OR operator in a single constraint. For example, the following constraints, makes sure that the two queues to not overlap in the x-direction.

  1. ([Q7 x] < [Q8 x] - 2) OR ([Q8 x] < [Q7 x] - 2)

By adding additional terms for the y-direction, you can relax the constraint, by allowing an overlap along the x-axis, as long as the queues do not also overlap along the y-axis.


The results screen nicely shows a corridor in the middle, in which the queues would have overlapped.

1703083159674.png (44.4 KiB)
· 1
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