
laitriminh avatar image
laitriminh asked laitriminh commented

OptQuest equation

Hello everyone,

I'm facing an issue in finding the optimal position for 2 queues and 1 processor so that the average WIP (Work in Progress) at the upper two queues is minimized. The constraint here is that these 2 queues and 1 processor shouldn't overlap.

I asked the community and fortunately received suggestions on how to set up these constraints. However, when I start running the optimizer, the resulting .csv file shows that although the objective of minimizing the WIP at the two queues is achieved (Rank 1), the coordinates do not adhere to the constraints I set, causing objects to overlap.

I've attached the Flexsim file (version 2019) and some images, and I would greatly appreciate any help from the community.

best regard,


Cải tiến.fsm


FlexSim 19.0.0
optquestoptimizer design
1.png (25.4 KiB)
1.png (22.7 KiB)
cai-tien.fsm (413.2 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
1 Like"
Jordan Johnson answered Joerg Vogel commented

Here is your full constraint equation:

  1. ([Q7 x] < [Q8 x] - 2)
  2. OR ([Q8 x] < [Q7 x] - 2)
  3. OR ([bon tam x] < [Q8 x] - 7.5)
  4. OR ([Q8 x] < [bon tam x] - 7.5)
  5. OR ([bon tam x] < [Q7 x] - 7.5)
  6. OR ([Q7 x] < [bon tam x] - 7.5)

Because you are using the OR operator, the solution counts as feasible if any of the terms in that expression are true. For example, if [Q7 x] < [Q8 x] - 2, then none of the other statements are checked, so there are no constraints on other parameters. My guess is you need to look more at using additional constraints in addition to OR.


This answer originally recommended using AND. OptQuest doesn't support AND in constraint expressions. To achieve the same result, use more than one constraint. All constraints are AND-ed together. All constraints must be satisfied for a solution to be valid.

So in this case, you probably need three constraints.

  1. ([Q7 x] < [Q8 x] - 2 OR ([Q8 x] < [Q7 x] - 2)
  1. ([bon tam x] < [Q8 x] - 7.5) OR ([Q8 x] < [bon tam x] - 7.5)
  1. ([bon tam x] < [Q7 x] - 7.5) OR ([Q7 x] < [bon tam x] - 7.5)
· 6
5 |100000

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