
Mohamed Eldakroury avatar image
Mohamed Eldakroury asked Jeanette F commented

Tutorial 1.1 Use a List and a Resource - One operator only shows up

Hello everyone,

I am new to Flexsim and decided to start learning the flow diagram modelling. Tutorial 1.1 seems to work fine except that there's only one operator in the model. According to the tutorial, a second operator should show up once we have set up the Group "Operators". That didn't work for me. Can someone please advice what am I doing wrong? I attached the model hereTutorial1.1.fsmtutorial-11.jpg

FlexSim 23.2.0
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Mohamed Eldakroury commented

Hello @Mohamed Eldakroury,

It looks like you did it right I changed the parameter and reset the model and the number of operators changed accordingly.

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