
Daniel Martinez avatar image
Daniel Martinez asked Jeanette F commented

Assembly in process flow

Hi Dear All,

I am working on a project where I want to simulate different assembly tables (combiners) for different levels of the Bill Of Material using process flow. For that there is a queue acting as a combiner which takes for instance 3 tokens of type 1 and 2 tokens of type 2 to complete REF1. The problem is that I cannot make another REF2 with 3 tokens of type 2 and 2 of type 3 at the same time the REF1 is being assembled (I tried to put Max Content of the combiner(queue) of 2 items, to make possible more than one reference is made at the same time).

Is there a way that I can do more than one reference at the same time in the same assembly table?

Thank You,

The model


FlexSim 23.2.1
processflowmax contentreferenceassembly
combiner-queue.fsm (121.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Daniel Martinez commented

Your flow appears to be committing parts before you know you can start an assembly. Please review the Opportunistic Parts Combiner model.

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