
Elise avatar image
Elise asked Elise commented

no wait in max wait timer


I work with Flexsim HC 2023 update 2 for Education.

I have a problem with the max wait timer. I set the time to "no wait" which I thought would mean that the patient can't wait if there are no beds available. In my model, the patient still waits for a bed, this is not what I want to happen.

I also want to track the patient that arrive when there are no available beds, but in my dashboard, it doesn't register the label "Failed". Here are some pictures of my model.

1705149328040.png 1705149428150.pngHow can I fix my model?

FlexSim HC (other)
flexsim healthcaremax wait timer
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Elise commented

In the "Release Token" option of the "On Wait Timer Fired" trigger you have to change patient to token.

Currently the label is also created on the patient, so if you were looking for it on the token, it would not be there.

(In many places where in the default mode token would be used the HC environment instead uses patient. For example when assigning/reading labels. You have to be aware that those two are not the same thing. patient is a reference to the actual person in the 3d model.)

Personally, I would suggest to use a connection to the destination activity and set the rank in the trigger option, as this makes it clear where the token will go (and that there is a "wait time") without having to look at the activity properties.


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Elise avatar image Elise commented ·
thank you! my model now runs as i intented it.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You understand this option in a way it is not meant to be. A wait timer set to a value of 0 seconds is releasing a token instantly, if a resource isn’t available. You have to activate a use of a max wait timer for this.

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