
azlan avatar image
azlan asked Jeanette F commented

why my second token is not moving?

my first token works perfectly but the next token is stuck at "Create Task Sequence". i need the operator to move. Can somebody help me please.screenshot-2024-01-15-194843.jpg

FlexSim 23.2.3
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jeanette F commented

You should add a finish task sequence activity after your last task.

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azlan avatar image azlan commented ·
Omg thank you so much sir. but i have 1 last question.

How to make the source, create token, only after the Sink receive 2 token, 1 from "Process: S12" and 1 from "Process: Robot Welding"? I tried to change the source to Event Triggered Source but i found a dead end.
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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ azlan commented ·
Hello @azlan

Please start a new post for your new question and provide a model that demonstrates your issue.

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