
karan avatar image
karan asked karan commented

How to unload item on elevator

Hello All,

In this model, I am trying that operator will pick the box from rack1 and place on pallet when pallet on elevator. but now by using process flow operator pick the box from rack1 but it's not unloading on pallet.

PFA modelsample_elevator.fsm

Thank you

FlexSim 24.0.0
sample-elevator.fsm (62.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Iago MF avatar image
Iago MF answered karan commented


The problem is that you are using the label item to reference the pallet but also for the objets, so it is overwritten.


Also, the unload activity its pointing the operator, instead of the task sequence you've created.


sample-elevator Solved.fsm

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karan avatar image karan commented ·
Thank you so much @Iago MF.

Can I pick available box from rack1 without creating in process flow. because now operator picks box which create in process flow but I want that he needs to pick available box from rack1 that's why I was created boxes in source2
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Iago MF avatar image Iago MF karan commented ·


You can use the Find Item activity to find item in Racks:

sample-elevator Solved 2.fsm

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karan avatar image karan Iago MF commented ·

Thank you.

But if there are multiple racks then how its work to define specific rack to load.


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