
MPeyman avatar image
MPeyman asked MPeyman commented

connect single resource to all queue

Hi all, in my model I have connect my resource to all the queue that I had except two, but the connection is red triangle and when I run I received an error:


FlexSim 23.0.8
resourceconnect queue
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered MPeyman commented

All of the connections lead from the queues to the source, when it should be the other way around.

Also, might I ask: If every network node is connected to every other network node, why even use a travel network in the first place? The Task Executers will always travel directly from queue to queue anyway (apart from the small distance from the respective NN to the queue).

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MPeyman avatar image MPeyman commented ·

Dear @Felix Möhlmann , thanks for your answer. Regarding your question, I wanted to create a network of nodes in a first step then later some nodes are linked to the other nodes. So that this would make a queue for the operators.

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