
Zhao avatar image
Zhao asked Jeanette F commented

Task Executor/Transporter Drop Off

Currently simulating a system and I need a Task-executor or transporter to drop off the designated flow units at the correct queue (Which I have designated by setting type in the source). However, my transporter will only drop off the flowitem if it is at the top of the transporter and will not drop off all the relevant flow items. This makewip 2.fsms it go in repeated circles to unload one singular load.

How should I resolve this and is there any major difference in utilising a task executor verses a transporter?

FlexSim 21.0.10
task executortransporter logic
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The first thing you can do is what is described in the post below. That will get the transporter to unload all items at the current station before continuing to the next. However, the order in which it will travel to the stations is then still dependent on the order in which the task sequences were created. For example, if the last loaded item must go to Queue4, the transporter will go there first.

To drive to the stations (and unload everything) in the logical order, you can alter the priority that is given to the task sequences based on the type of the item. This will however mean that this priority will also be used when loading the items. If not all items can fit on the transporter, it will prioritize based on type and not arrival order.

And since this option already requires some coding, since the "Priority" field does not allow for variable expressions, you can go with the "best" solution:

In the load trigger of the transporter, change the priority of the item's task sequence according to its type. If its the last item that is loaded (either the queue is empty or the capacity is reached) create a preempting task sequence for the transporter that finishes instantly. This will lead to the transporter reevaluating which task sequence it will continue next, instead of unloading the last item first. The task sequence is generated in the message trigger after a 0s delay, so that the "Break" task has finished. Otherwise the transporter might accept a new task sequence before it has unloaded all items.


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