
Abdalla O avatar image
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Abdalla O asked Matthew Gillespie edited

how to make the task executor flow item follows a network node

Hello flexsim community,

i have a source that creates task executor flowitems that represent customers, when ever an item appears in dc queue a customer will go for it, i want to control the distance he travel, how to make these TE from source follows a network node

task executor

attached model pullmodel1s1m1d.fsm

FlexSim 18.1.0
task executor
pullmodel1s1m1d.fsm (56.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie edited

You are missing two things that you need to have a TE flowitem travel on a network.

1) The TE flowitem needs to be connected to the Network Navigator.

There are two ways to do this:

a) Use the Create Object process flow activity to create the TE flowitem in a network node. This will create the flowitem and connect them to the NetworkNavigator

b) Use code. For example, the Task Executer as Flowitem pickoption in the Use Transport field uses this codes snippet:

// Now if there is a network node connected to me, then connect the flow item to that node.
treenode netnode = getnetnode(current, 1);
if (objectexists(netnode))
	reassignnetnode(item, netnode);<br>

2) The TE flowitem needs to be given a Travel task or the TE should be set to use a navigator for offset travel.

The navigator is only used for Travel tasks, unless you change the settings on the TE to use the navigator for offset travel as well. Right now you're only using a Load and Unload activity which are purely offset travel.

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