
diego-rt avatar image
diego-rt asked diego-rt commented

How I can conect a python file with a flexsim model

Good night,

I have a problem with a FlexSim model. I want to connect a process flow with a Python file, where I have a solution for a linear optimization problem. I tried like you have in the next image, but I couldn´t get an answer.


In this picture, the first line is the file´s name, and the second one is the function´s name.

Can anyone help me, please?


FlexSim 23.0.3
processs flowanswers.flexsim.cominteraction between flexsim and python
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered diego-rt commented

Here's an example of how to call your Python module from a process flow via a user command and have the returned array added to the token as a label. (28.7 KiB)
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