
Fabio G10 avatar image
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Fabio G10 asked Fabio G10 commented

Speed and Memory downgrading during long time simulation process

Hi all, we have a complex model and we need to improve the actual speed (during all simulation) to get the result & stats faster

Below the explanation and a few questions…


Model which manages around 20 cranes and other Task Executers (railcars in paths, transfer cars, etc), around 20,000 objects at a time (boxes) and a lot of code with logic.

We are creating the 3D objects through the process and after some processing they disappear (it ends up in a Conveyor, connected to a Sink object) .

We have only a few and light Dashboards with few data.

We have a lot of Global Variables (around 200), but mainly of integer type

This model needs to run around 10 real hours or more to get the results we need.

The firsts hours, model consume around 1.5 Gb RAM (windows task manager) and run at real speed of 1000 X average

Hardware: Core i7 13th, 32 Gb RAM, NVidia RTX 4050

Flexsim: 23.1.2


As the hours go by, the memory grows and the real speed of the simulation decreases

After 12 hours, we have around 18 Gb RAM (task manager) and real simulation speed drops to around 100 X

We need to increase the actual speed to improve the total simulation time (get the results faster)

We have checked

Memory Profile: ~500 Mb summing all items in snapshot. Where are the other 17 Gb ? Could be accumulating information in somewhere ?

Performance Profiler: recording around real 100 seconds —> 58 sec consumed are reported. Where are the other 42 sec ? Is 3D drawing tasks or something ?

TreeNode: we have checked token count in all process flows and remain stable like at the simulation start (not growing token count)

GlobalList: not cumulating items. Remaining stable.

Tables: not cumulating rows. Remaining stable.


1. What else can we check to ensure model speed remains stable through all the simulation ? Could have accumulation of objects or data in other places in the model ?

2. Can we force some memory flush (garbage collector or someting) for freeing up memory?

3. Are the 3D objects destroying really at the conveyor connected with the Sink ? Or the objects could be accumulating and are not visible ?


FlexSim 23.1.2
objectsmodel speedmemory leakrunning time
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Fabio G10 commented

Please use the memory profiler to see where the memory is being used in the model.

Use the performance profiler to see why the model is slow.

You can disable stats collectors if they are the cause of consuming too much memory through constant data collection.

Do you have any errors in your system console? If you do that could indicate an issue which conceivably could leak memory (a guess).

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