
Raashid Mohammed avatar image
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Raashid Mohammed asked Raashid Mohammed commented

Quick way to hide all objects except Background, flowitems and task executor

Is there a quick way to hide all objects, network node's connections etc.. except the flowitems, task excuetor and background ?

Or do I have to click on each object and check SHOW 3D

Please help


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jing.c avatar image
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jing.c answered jing.c edited

You certainly wouldn't need to do it one by one.

If I was you, I will do these steps as follow:

1.Select all the object in model;

2.Use Ctrl+LeftClick to unselect all the task executor and background (if it can be selected);

3.RightClick any object which be selected, and choose the Object Group>Add to New Group in popup menu;

4.Open the Edit Selected Objects (you can find it in Views>Edit Selected Objects), and click the Toggle 3D shapes in Switches;

You will see all the object expect flowitems and task executors can not be seen. Just RightClick anywhere in 3D views and Select the group you add, then click the Toggle 3D shapes again in Switches, if you want to make them show again.

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joshua.d avatar image
joshua.d Suspended answered Raashid Mohammed commented

There is a way to do it with code. The following code will hide all of the Processors in a model:

  1. forobjecttreeunder(model()){
  2. if(classobject(a) == node("/fixedresources/Processor", library()))
  3. switch_hideshape(a, 1);
  4. }

If you replace the '1' with a '0' it will unhide them. You could easily change the if statement to include more object classes or exclude some. The forobjecttreeunder() command is obsolete now but I don't know if there is anything that has replaced it. It basically recurses through the tree from a designated starting point and executes the code for each object one at a time. The "a" variable represents each object it finds.

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