
Meteor avatar image
Meteor asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Need to let Vehicle put 2 boxes at same time

Rack 1 Example.fsmI need to let ASRS vehicle 1 put 2 boxes at same time in rack from conveyor 1,

and deliver 2 boxes at same time from rack to Conveyor 2

FlexSim 24.0.0
transportingpull items
rack-1-example.fsm (55.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Move the exit transfer to the side of the conveyor and increase its size, so it can encompass more than one item.


Set the "Break To" option of the ASRS to only accept task sequences with the same load station.


Set the entry transfer to accept 2 (or more) incoming transports at a time.


If this does not suffice to achieve the desired behaviour, use Process Flow to control the ASRS.

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