
Paula LG avatar image
Paula LG asked Paula LG commented

Userinput command text hidden


I have noticed the following bug when using the userinput command: if the text has to be shown in more than one straight line for whatever reason, all the lines below the first one are hidden, making a part of the text unreadable for the target user. However, readjusting the popping window horizontally may make all the text visible depending on why a line break is needed and its length, but changing its size vertically doesn't change anything at all.

I attach a model to illustrate this situation in two different scenarios; when a word is too long to be shown in line one so it is drawn in line two (and, therefore, adjusting the window horizontally to its full length can make it all visible) and when a line break is specifically coded, so there's no option to see the full text.

24.0 Report UserInput.fsm


Thanks in advance for your help!

FlexSim 24.0.1
bug reportuser interfaceuserinput
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Paula LG commented

I'll send this into the developers to consider improving this - thanks for pointing it out.

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Paula LG avatar image Paula LG commented ·
Thank you, Jason.

Additionally, I was wondering if there's any way to obtain a user input value in a custom code or script, without having to assign it to a node directly.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Paula LG commented ·

Not that I can think of immediately.

I don't think it's a big deal to use a node - having a function like createTempNode is useful in many places (e.g. for temporary tables) - example attached.


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getuserinput.fsm (29.9 KiB)
Paula LG avatar image Paula LG Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·
Thank you for your time!
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