
Breno Bogéa avatar image
Breno Bogéa asked Gustavo Teodoro commented

Picking items from a conveyor using a robot

Hello there!

I'm kind of new to FlexSim and recently building a task where an item needs to be picked up from a conveyor using a robot.

At first, thought about using a decision point and make the robot pick the item as soon as it crosses the point, but i dont really know how to do it and even if this is the right solution. Theoretically, the box should be removed right in the spot that is marked with the decision point.
Can anyone give me a little help?

Thanks in advance! Best of regards

FlexSim 22.0.16
conveyorrobotdigital twinmanufacturing
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Gustavo Teodoro commented

The simplest method would be to draw an A-connection from the conveyor to where the items should be moved and activate the "Use Transport" option in the Exit Transfer.


You can also build logic in Process Flow that reacts to an item arriving at the Decision Point and tells the robot to move it.

If you haven't worked with Process Flow before I would suggest you look into the relevant tutorials.

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