
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Jeanette F commented

How to get the scenario parameters in optimizer?

Hi Team,

I am running optimizer to find the best production schedule but for 1 scenario, the run is not completed and stuck at 65% every time.

I would like to check this scenario in detail while running the model, but I am not able to find the parameters in advance.


The parameter variability is chosen from here:


Is there any way to find the parameters since run is not completed.

Thank you!

FlexSim 23.2.0
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered

Try this code:

  1. treenode expr = Model.find("Tools/Experimenter");
  2. function_s(expr, "setModelToScenario", 1, 1);

The setModelToScenario function_s accepts two parameters: a Scenario ID and a replication number. As long as the scenario ID is present in the database, this function should succeed. The first scenario the optimizer submitted will have ID 1, the second will have ID 2, etc. (assuming the optimization job is the only job that has run using the current database file).

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